We had another sonogram last week and Maizie now weighs 1lb. 8oz. She doubled in weight in just 5 weeks! Quite the growth spurt if you ask me! Needless to say I've had a bit of a growth spurt myself. :)
We also sort of hit the jackpot when our nurse asked if she could play around with the sono machine of course we said "yes". Little did we know she was going to be able to give us pictures of Maizie in 3-D! They are really cool and sort of a sneak peak at what she is going to look like! She definitely has my nose!
Oh yes, another note worthy item is that Tyler was finally able to feel Maizie kick from the outside, so he is pretty thrilled!
Maizie's sweet little face!
Doesn't she look like she's having a good time in this one! :)